Space Center Houston | The Space Center Houston trip was a blast! It was good to have Cassandra back for a while. We took turns crashing the shuttle simulator (not all of it intentional); except Stacey, who turns out to be quite a pilot! I think we had more fun on the "kiddie" activities that the Cub and Boy Scouts! |
Cub-O-Ree | Those who helped with the Cub-O-Ree had fun too. J.T. and Erin had a ball with the Pinewood Derby event, while Kat, Erin's Dad, and Andrew helped with the baseball throw. |
Hamman Bivouac | (April 11-13) in Bandera, TX-in a word "COLD!" We got there (when we finally found the camp) at 11:55 pm. The registration, supposed to be open untill12 midnight, had closed about 6pm and everyone had taken shelter from the cold somewhere. We set up under an oak sheltered by brush and shivered through the night. After breakfast, and finding out where we were supposed to go, we headed over the hills to Spring Lake. Samuel, SarahAnn, Cassandra, and John found a neat campsite under the cedars (and out of the wind!) and we set up there. We made lunch, Cassandra and SarahAnn played vollyball, John and SarahAnn looked for fossils, Stacey studied for an exam (yuck), and Samuel and Michelle looked for flowers and explored a bit. Then Kat, Cassandra, John, SarahAnn, Samuel, and Mr. Unger went to the top of one of the hills there. In general, we spent the rest of the day, goofing off! At campfire we sang "A Pizza Hut" (including the new verse about "a big red van" commerating our enchanted rock trip), and took the prize for the best song or skit. We had a good look at Hale-Bopp on the walk back. Some slept warmer Saturday night, but some didn't. Brrr! We ran worship service Sunday morning (somebody from a Boy Scout troop complained that we were too religious). We broke camp at noon, and got back to the car about 3pm. We arrived in Huntsville about 9:30, and headed to our respective beds. It was fun, but we were all tired. |
Concert | The dual concert between Heavenly Reign and Squish was good, but with the 4-way split of the procedes (Troop 97, two bands, and the Post) we only made $20.03. |
Recharter | Pay your dues for the next year. Going on NOW. $8.00 for a year of fun & fellowship. No pay, no play.(Sorry) | |
Tri-District Camporee | April 18-20 We will be helping with the canoeing event (there is a war-canoe competition, 8-20 canoeist!) and running the First Aid test (written). Cost $10.00, and if you want a t-shirt add $8.00. | |
Lone Star Trail | May 16-18 We've decided to hike from the Unger's place to Lake Raven in the Huntsville State Park. Cost will be determined at a later date. | |
Colorado | Summer 97' High Adventure Trip June 30-July 11. We have two backpacking stoves, and plenty of tents. We still need to get the water purification system. if we have 10 people go, the cost per person will be about $100, plus whatever personal expences for equipment rental or purchace, clothing, etc... | |
IMPORTANT | We need to make shure that everyone has a CURRENT Class 3 physical, filled out by their doctor, on file with Mr. Unger. Get the blank forms from him. We cannot go on a high-adventure trip without these!!! |
What if we were to be judged by that same angel? What would he say we are? Would he say "Well yes you are a Christrian, but you are much more somthing else."? Most of us I'm afraid, including myself, are much more of somthing else. Instead of letting Jesus Christ have control over all our lives, we let part of our lives control our relationship with Him. Too often we are like the seed scattered among the thorns. The cares and worries of this life grow up and choke our Christianity, and we do not bear fruit. We wonder why we do not have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentelness, self-control; the fruit of the spirit. It is because we've let the weeds grow in our life. Let's weed the gardens of our lives, and quit being Ciceronians, but be truly Christrian in heart, word, and deed.