Explorer Post 99 Huntsville, Texas
Backpacking tips
Local Trails and Campgrounds
Calender and Roster
Post 99 News
Tales and Storys
We are a general intrest post in the George Strake district of the Sam Houston Area Council in East Texas.
The Explorer Code
As an Explorer...
I believe that Americas strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our prople.
I will, therefore, be faithful im my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.
I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it.
I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life.
I will acquire the Exploring attitude that seeks truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.
Links to other Posts, Troops, and Dens in the Council:
Sea Explorer Ship 5000
SHAC Colonneh Lodge 137
BSA Troop 301 Houston,TX
BSA Unit 567 Katy, TX
BSA Troop 869 Clear Lake City, TX
To add your URL to the list or for more information E-mail us at:post99@geopages.com or at stdsll13@shsu.edu